Subject is exactly Non-BTF publications

Non-BTF publications

Press cuttings from the plays Song of Death by Tewfik Al-Hakim and Lazarus and His Beloved by Kahlil Gibran. Photocopies of articles from foreign and British press focusing of the two plays directed...


Non-BTF publications

Video cassette of a possible TV programme on the top model and singer artist Grace Jones (copy).


Non-BTF publications

Videocassette of a possible TV programme on the artists playing live at the Ritz (copy).


Non-BTF publications

Video cassette of a possible TV programme on the artist (copy).


Non-BTF publications

Copy on videocassette of a possible TV programme on the artist. Reference given is: Sha NA NA (MC; Nell...


Non-BTF publications

Video cassette with no information other than: 3 - p speed 23; 2 (technical details?).


Non-BTF publications

Copy of the video cassette. No other information given.


Non-BTF publications

Copy of the video cassette. Title includes Electric Lady Studios on the front cover.


Non-BTF publications

Title shows Ain't No Mountain High Enough on the front cover of the PAL copy of the video cassette.


Non-BTF publications

One of the two audio tapes of artists work All Time Jamboree Bag. Drawings of two men show on the front...


Non-BTF publications

Audio tape (storytelling?); Aleme Bak Aleme, Iste Bizim Anadolu. The representation of a Turkish musician is depicted on the front...


Non-BTF publications

Content: Interviews by Steven Berkoff and Anton Adasinsky; Performance Man With The Child in His Eyes by David Glass, Kidnapped by Blast Theory, Enemy of The People by the Theatre in Chile and Forum...