Plays produced or promoted by the organisation.

Black and white photographs. Among the actors featured are Victor Romero Evans, Roger Griffiths, Calvin Simpson, Jo Martin. The play was... ...


Plays produced or promoted by the organisation.

Black and white photographs of representations and rehearsals of the play, which was directed by Renu Setna. They are from two... ...


Plays produced or promoted by the organisation.

Prints from possibly two different photographers showing various actors. Among others are Vincent Wong, Shango Baku, Ram John Holder. Shots... ...


Plays produced or promoted by the organisation.

Colour pictures showing a model of the cabin used on the set of Derek Walcott's... ...

1980s -1990s

Plays produced or promoted by the organisation.

Black and white pictures show actors dressed in peasant costumes (Middle East style) in various scenes of the play. The play was part of a... ...


Image not available /

Black Theatre Seasons

Programme gives a summary of the Writers project, training, the five year plan, and the plays Dog, Beef, No Chicken, Lazarus and His... ...


Black Theatre Seasons

The Black Theatre Forum Limited compiled documentation to present the 1989 theatre festival and their five year plan. Details include... ...


Black Theatre Seasons

Text presenting the plays Lazarus and His Beloved by Kahlil Gibran and Song of Death by Tewfik El - Hakim (Al - Hakim). Renu Setna directed... ...


Black Theatre Seasons

Black & white logo of the Black Theatre Season 1989 printed on a cardboard... ...


Publications produced by BTF

Photocopies of press reviews collected from various newspaper sources along with a flyer of the double bill. Both of the double bill plays... ...